Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Tired and Cranky

What are the kids doing today?

They both are getting over croup. That's what's going on in our home for the last 5 days. Both kids received this wonderful viral infection and the only way of getting rid of it is by humidifiers and vaporizors. So, we bought a vaporizor and the kids are feeling better.

I call John "baby vadar" as in "darth vadar." Sorry, but his breathing was so bad yesterday. Hopefully, they will be better by the end of the week.

Monday, May 16, 2005

They love to be outside

Baby Nascar Posted by Hello

They like the porch and the lawn. Grandma and pap pap were over on Friday and they got to play in the dirt. I must be a bad mom for I don't allow them to get dirty, but grandma does. They had baths that night as I was scrapbooking.

My babies Posted by Hello

Caroline was having a fit that John was up on the chair with her. But, she finally chilled out (as you can see). They love the Baby Einstein tape - Baby Noah as they dance and just get plain silly. I wish I could be a kid, again.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

The kids love bubbles

Bubbles...tiny bubbles... Posted by Hello

That's all Caroline wanted to do yesterday when we went by the bubbles in Target. She was driving me crazy as I went to Joann's and then home where we ate lunch and she still wanted to play with the bubbles.

Finally, it happened. She got to play with the bubbles. What is it about bubbles and children? I remember Caroline's 2nd birthday (which was last year) and at the end of her day (before her tubby time), she was drenched with bubble liquid. It was quite gross as she smelled like bubbles and she was very sticky.

We had an amazing time, though, yesterday playing with bubbles.

Friday, May 06, 2005

We ate today!!

What are the kids doing today?

Yes, we went to Cici's Pizza and the kids behaved very well. Caroline liked having mommy's garlic cheese stick and John liked the brownie. All in all, I'm becoming used to taking the kids out.

They are sleeping now; however, they are wonderful kiddos.