Monday, February 28, 2005

Counting and potty training

What are the kids doing today?

Well, last week, Caroline decided that she wanted to play hide and seek with me. So, she just started to count. One, two, three, she stops, I assist her four, five, six, seven, eighty (okay, so she needs a little assitance), nine, ten...ready or not...We have done a lot of counting and doing the alphabet.

She loves her new bed and hasn't had any problems with it. She doesn't even leave the bed if I don't get there when she wakes up. Amazing. I am so lucky.

Caroline also decided or I asked her if she wanted to go potty. And, she went. I cannot believe how big she is getting. It's a good thing too that she has an interest as she needs to be potty trained for 3 year old preschool. We are treating her with dum-dums as a reward.

John is wonderful as he is taking many steps to walking each day. I think the last count was 6-7 steps and then he gets lazy and starts to crawl. I can see how messy/dirty the house is on his pants when he crawls. It's really quite gross.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Rub-a-dub dub...

What are the kids doing today?

Well, I wanted to see if two in the tub worked and it does. I just need to be a little bit organized with getting the kids' pjs ready. But, they love the tub and enjoy splashing mommy a lot.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Yummy, too!! Posted by Hello

They won't eat their dinners but when they know when cookies are around, out.

I love Chocolate

Yummy Posted by Hello

Dinners aren't as good as desserts.

We had a great day today as it was racing day. Mommy rode on the turtle, John on the car, and Caroline on her tricycle. It was a lot of fun --- Caroline won most of the races and mommy got a work out on her legs which she needs desperately.

Friday, February 11, 2005

They're not even his...

John and his blocks Posted by Hello

Caroline received these blocks for Christmas and John loves to play with them. I guess it's the "me casa, ce casa" - (okay I didn't take spanish) but you get the gest of it. My toys, your toys concept. Eric and I build a big building of blocks and the kids take the building apart. It's amazing how short of time it takes them to do this.

John's cold is getting better but when he wakes up, he's a nasty boy!!

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Caroline's First Kiss

What are the kids doing today?

Well, Caroline's preschool had their Valentine's day party in school and during the story time, one of the teachers had Caroline on one knee and Conor (a boy) on the other knee. Conor moved closer to Caroline and they KISSED. Wow, I could not believe it. She only 30 months old but that won't be her last kiss and we all know that. It was just her first kiss in front of mom.

John received a cold from somewhere and he gave it to me. I ached all day and it was probably 10 times worse for him. So, his little nose is getting all red. Boo-hoo -- I feel so bad for him.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Caroline is a BIG girl now

Caroline's new bed Posted by Hello

I was making the beds in her room after having family visit and she indicated that she wanted to be in a big bed. So, that night she slept in a big bed and didn't even get out of the bed. I'm sure this is going to happen, but it hasn't yet. WOW!!! What a big girl she is!!!

Monday, February 07, 2005

A b c's

What are the kids doing today?

John ate his first hot dog today without a fight. I had to cut them into little tiny weenie pieces but he did it without choking.

The great room was quite messy today as Caroline thought it was nice to bring out all the toys from their toychest. Luckily me, since I put most of it away. Caroline sometimes helps but these days it's like pulling teeth with her.

We play monkey in the middle with the kids and I hope that John doesn't get brain damage since (by accident, of course) the ball hits his head to get to Eric. I'm not trying to do it, I swear.

Caroline sung her ABCs about 10 times tonight and I'm really impressed since I could identify a lot of the letters. You go, Caroline. She also enjoys tubby time because she finger paints on the tub walls. Boy, I didn't have that when I was a kid. I would have been another Monet.

Friday, February 04, 2005

It's Friday and that's pizza night!!!

What are the kids doing today?...

Well, as usually for my John, he woke up and had a very, very wet diaper. So, into the tub for a nice hot bath. I even put nighttime diapers on him to no avail. He always wakes up with a full diaper of pee. Oh, I forgot to change the sheets. Rats!!!

I think we have a Mikey child on my hands. Whatever Caroline won't eat, John will eat and without a fuss. It's incredible. He'll be passing her in weight at no time. At John's six month check up, I had to go and buy a car seat since he weighed more than his carrier so off to Babies 'r us I go to get a new car seat. He's not a big kid, but boys are different than girls when it comes to weight.

Caroline does have good manners as she says "please", "thank you" and other nice stuff. I guess I am doing my job.

Caroline had her big girl diapers on --- the Pull up ones. But, no success yet. The training is so young. I have until September to do it. However, the preschool did tell me that some kids do have pull ups.

Oh...they don't play well together. I hope this isn't a forecast into the future!

But, they are really sweet kids.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Potty Trained Revisited

I signed Caroline up for three year old preschool and the pre-requisite is that all children must be potty trained. Okay, Ms. Obvious (Caroline) told me that she was ready to be potty trained when she ripped off her very wet diaper about 3 weeks ago. I am making every attempt to train her before her third birthday. She knows all the "right" words -- it's just getting to the potty to do her business is another thing.

Caroline's New Tricycle Posted by Hello

Aunt Barbara gave her that for Christmas and she loves to ride on it. She enjoys hearing the bell on it more than riding it. Kids.

Am I going to get in trouble for this? Posted by Hello

Okay. Daddy taught her this wonderful trick of putting the box over her head as a "hat." Do you see any correlation/representation of a hat? I didn't think so.

Blue Tongue Posted by Hello

Uncle David gave her a huge bag of Dum-Dums for Christmas. Every night before she goes to sleep, she asks for a dum-dum (nothing like a little sugar just before bedtime.) and tonight's flavor was blueberry. Yummy, Yummy -- dum dum.

Big boys don't cry, except this one Posted by Hello

So, you can see what I deal with everyday. This will be the last picture of John with tears. Eric wasn't too happy with my taking the picture. But, yeah -- I just want you to be here with me to experience everything.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Welcome to Peapod 'n Peanut world

I thought since many of my family members are far away that I would do a journal about my children. The good, bad and ugly. The wining, crying plus pure joys of doing something that I least expect. So, enjoy the ride.