What are the kids doing today?

This is a picture of Caroline after she received a haircut. I just pulled back her hair. She is definitely a ham as she loves to have somebody take her picture.
I am having some issues with her regarding poop training. I know, I know...something personal on the blog. But, during the last couple of weeks, my patience has been null. Why can't she just let me know she needs to poop.
In Preschool, she is doing very well. She just had a cookie dough fundraiser and she (mommy) sold 17 tubs for her.

This is a picture of John after I gave him a haircut. It was hard as I cut all the curly hair off. He's no longer a baby, but a little boy. Time is really going fast from where I stand. The cold bug has been with him for a couple of weeks thanks to Caroline going to preschool. His little immunity system is working overtime. He's a typical boy though. He loves doing things that mommy tells him not to do.

We went to the playground a couple of weeks ago and John love doing up the slide. However, he was annoyed when he couldn't make it all the way up to the top. He was screaming out of his lungs. Poor little thing.